Masculinity and Femininity are real natural, biological things... they're not just a matter of social roles... although, its true that by defining them in their own artificial terms, the society has muddled the concept of manhood.
Thus masculinity (that makes real men) is biological and so is the third gender (queer/feminine/transgendered males).
Natural Masculinity is something the seed of which men are born with. However, this seed needs to be developed into manhood, which is where the role of the society comes in. The society can either provide the required environment for this seed to grow to its full potential or deprive it of this environment, making men into lesser males.
Natural masculinity needs men's spaces and male bonds to develop into full manhood. It is when one's masculinity is given place in the men's spaces and combines together with the masulinity of other men, the resultant masculinity generated is multiplied several folds and each member can partake in this immense power generated. This enhanced masculinity when acknowledged by the men's spaces is called "Manhood". This is Natural Manhood. Some of the characteristics of natural manhood are, courage, bravery, honor, etc.
But, the society has politicized Manhood for thousands of years now, progressively, in order to control man's behavior, especially his sexual behavior, originally, in order to bind him into endless reproduction and rearing of children. This was done by making granting of 'manhood' dependent upon the man fulfilling certain criteria fixed by the society -- which came to be known as "male roles". This 'artificial' manhood created by the society is known as 'social manhood' (as against the manhood that is naturally generated). If the man failed to fulfill these roles he was denied manhood, and either became a lesser male or was banished into the queer (i.e. third gender) zone.
However, social manhood has mostly been based on traits and acts that force men to go against the requirements of their natural masculinity, i.e. they are contrary to natural manhood. So, in effect, men are then queered in order to gain artificially generated social power and 'manhood'. Reproduction and serving the female sexually is an artificially fixed role of Social manhood.
The Westernized roles of social manhood are far removed from man's nature and act as extreme pressures and stresses on men, that make a mockery of the entire manhood thing. And this, when the society does not need to make men into reproduction machines anymore, with a population boom and advancement in medicines. This is an oppression of men, but these very social roles of men prevent men from raising a voice against it, ironically by threatening to make him a lesser man socially, when his natural manhood demands that he speaks up.
Thus you can see, that in this set up, the Naturally real man, becomes socially a lesser man, and the naturally lesser man becomes real men.
If we really want to go for the real thing, we need to show a lot of courage, organize and fight the society to change the anti-man rules of manhood and take the control of men's spaces and the power to define manhood away from the anti-man forces, into our own hands. It's a woman dominated society that has succeeded in breaking men from men, and uniting again is the only thing that can liberate us.
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