Sexuality is naturally fluid for most most men, only for a small minority is it fixed and concretized.
Each box, but especially, the main box meant for 'normal' men has built-in mechanisms, and what guys consider 'support systems' to help men kill that part of themselves which doesn't fit into that box (We're talking about the 'heterosexual box').
The society has prescribed only three boxes into which men can mould their sexualities during their formative years. And the concept of sexual orientation enforces that men must choose between one of the boxes. The three boxes are:
'heterosexual', 'homosexual' and 'bisexual'
However, 'homosexual' and 'bisexual' are combined together into a common box alongwith the transgendered.
So, there are practically two boxes:
'straight' and 'queer'
Now, the Straight box is marked heterosexual, but alongwith the package is tied masculinity, however it is not mentioned in the label. So when guys want to choose masculinity, they can only choose the 'heterosexual' box, and develop their sexuality along heterosexual lines, by suppressing their sexual need for men. The society uses this choice of the 'heterosexual box' as proof that the majority desire the 'heterosexual box' (without mentioning the 'masculinity' aspect, which is truly the deciding factor).
The 'gay' or 'homosexual'/ 'bisexual' or 'queer' box is labelled 'man to man sexuality', however, the package is ties with feminine gender/ transgender and passive sex. Now, when masculine males refuse the 'gay' box, or choose the 'heterosexual' box it is seen as a sign that they don't need men sexually, when in reality they are rejecting the box for its feminine gender (which is not even acknowleged on the label, but widely propagated by the society to discourage men from choosing it.).
At the sametime, most of the males that do choose the 'gay' or 'homosexual' box are males who are primarily third gender or feminine males who happen to like men. Now, these males confuse their preference of the feminine gender with their sexual need for men, influenced by social propaganda and so when they're choosing the 'gay' identity, the major determinant of their choice is their feminine gender, and not a sexual need for men per se, since most masculine males who also feel that attraction do sacrifice it because it is not available in a box with manhood.
This is how the Western politics of male Gender and Sexuality, enforced through the oppressive concept of Sexual Orientation works to make the majority heterosexual and the minority homosexual.
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