Sep 19, 2008

The Conspiracy against men

This is a post that one of our members made at a discussion net forum:

IT IS NOT not man-woman sexual interest that defines men, rather its a sexual inclination towards men. It is only too evident in nature, where (in mammals: read Bruce bagemihl, Johann Roughgarden, etc.) from 90% to 100% of males have been found to indulge in sexual relations with other males, while male-female sex happens only during the breeding season, and only a handful of males indulge in it at any given time. In other mammalian species, a handful of males control big harems of females, while most males live in male only groups and have sex largely with other males. Also, there is hardly any sexual/ emotional and romantic bonds between male-female, and any committed, lifelong sexual-romantic bonds exist only between males.

That is how humans lived at the beginning of the human civilisation, as is evident from several initial tribes that survived till the beginning of the modern era (e.g. the Melanisian tribes). In their society, males and females live in separate spaces, and meet only for reproductive sex, once a year... while 'marriage' happens only between men. In such societies, the reproduction is quite less -- but as per the rules of nature, but not to supply for human greed.

In nature, only a small portion of males ever breed, and even a smaller fraction does so with any regularity (i.e. in every reproductive season).

Long ago, societies decided to force its men (And it were the rulers, both men and of the third sex, who did that in what they thought was in the interest of the society) into reproductive sex with women, in order to increase their population -- It was necessitated because humans had started to migrate to far off, uninhabited lands, and they wanted people to inhabit their emerging civilisations. It soon evolved into a competitive situation where societies had to keep up their population levels to much more than what nature had intended, in order to survive the rivals.

In the beginning they invented the man-woman marriage, but male-bonds were so strong that they wouldn't leave them to live with women. Eversince, there has been a struggle by those who control the society (the rulers) and men's spaces. The rulers have been conspiring to:

a) break men from men
b) force them into sex with women

Men will not be forced into sex with women, unless they are broken from each other. The concept of 'homosexuality' is only the latest addition to theh conspiracy to break men from men. And if you look at how Western men are even afraid to hold each other's hands, and how they're scared of uniting on men's issues, for the fear of thought of as 'gay', you will understand that the conspirators have been really successful.

The rulers, iniitally, while they forced the common men into sex with women, kept themselves free from this pressure. So, for a large part of the history, man to man relations was thought to be fit only for the nobility but not for the common man, who had to be forced into reproductive sex, especially in a time when both child and adult mortality was high.

In any case... till the times of the Greeks, man to man sexual/ romantic bonds continued paralled to man-woman marriage, and while the first half of a man's life was devoted to bonds with men, the second half was for the society, to breed for it and to form a family. In the entire world, marriage is seen by men as a social duty, rather than something they really want to do. And men have been traditionally running away from marriage, as can be seen by innumerous marriage jokes, men have made to deal with this pressure.

Now, were all these men 'gay' -- certainly not... gay means queer, out of the ordinary, while straight means something that is normal, done by the majority. And, thus it was male-male sexual bonds that were straight, while it was male-female romantic bonds (that was indulged in by less than 3% of males, who were also effeminate) was 'gay'.

In any case... this fight against men's spaces, to break them from men, especially sexually, and to force them with women... is a contnuous fight, because nature exerts itself, the moment the rulers (that I call, the forces of heterosexualisation (FOH)) get lax. So, inspite of the fact that the FOH have heavily invested into building huge 'fixed' infrastructures, in the form of mechanisms, and into making these infrastructure 'invisible', especially by denying a space to talk about them,... they have to build new infrastructures in each age... as men's spaces find ways to fight the old ones.

Thus, by the time of the greeks, the man to man bonds were again resurfacing and had become strong. So, the FOH developed the concept of Religion by organising faith into an institution... and pronounced Sex between men as a Sin against God. And then, that gave them the authority and the power to persecute men (and not just gays), to keep them from forming relations with other men.

In fact, more than religion, the most important tool for the FOH to control men's sexuality was to manipulate and politicise 'manhood'. Because, manhood signified men's spaces -- the most important thing for men, biologically as well as socially. So, first they changed the definition of 'manhood' to say only those who reproduce are 'men'. In fact, they associated 'manhood' with penetration, which meant men could penetrate women, men as well as members of the third sex without losing their manhood.

Side by side, they also changed the definition of 'third sex', which originally was an identity for feminine gendered males without any consideration to their sexuality -- which was, unlike men, largely towards women. Third sex used to be a respectable group, but after politicisation, became a punishment space for outcaste men, who rebelled against social manhood... of course no one did.

Thus, while straight men loved other men, they disowned receptive anal sex, which the third sex took up as an identity.

After they brought in god, all kinds of sex with men became bad, it still remained 'masculine' although, only anal sex was a sin.

However, feminine gendered males, the third sex, was now heavily organised around receptive anal sex, and the FOH, to serve their nefarious designs allowed them space. Naturally, the third sex combined the desire for anal sex with their femininity and feminine lifestyles, and the two became synonymous. Of course, the majority of third gender who liked women, went underground, just like straight male sexual desire for men.

The sexual bonds between men however flourished underground. That means that although they could not accept indulging in such relations or to have the desire (not because it was feminine but because it was BAD and a sin) in formal spaces, in men's spaces, they openly talked about it and indulged in it.

When the modern times came, the power of religion started to vain, and Science started gaining power. The FOH, quickly gained control of the institution of science, and through it, invented the concept of Homosexuality (originally a disease) a term which was used for the feminine gendered males who indulged in receptive anal sex. They ignorend their feminine gender (also because Christianity had wiped out the concept of third sex from its society, at least formally) and their third sex status and defined them as 'men'. And that too 'men' who had sexual interest in men.

It was common knowledge that all men have a strong sexual interest in men. However, because of the immense religious and social hostility, men could not come up and say, hey, its not only these third sex people who like men, we like men too. They just couldn't. Soon, they were afraid to say this also because, they would be thought of as femininie or third sex themselves.

And the FOH, side by side, also started to destroy the men's spaces by bringing women into it, and increasing to the extremes, the pressure on men to bond sexually and socially with women. It was these men's spaces that were the power of men, and the FOH wanted to destroy them long ago, but it was only through science that they could finally do it.

They threatened any stragiht man who resisted this destruction as being outcasted as 'gay'. Some men were better 'heterosexualised' and fitted better in the new heteroseuxal set ups than the others and these men became the vested interests. But these men were not really the masculine ones, but rather the 'meterosexual' ones. The masculine ones became truly disempowered and to this day strive to fit into heterosexual roles with all sincerity.

The 'homosexual' or 'gay' space became strong as a lot of meterosexual guys, apart from the extremely transgendered guys who originally made up the gay space, took to it, and what helped them was the fact that formally, the concept of 'homosexuality' did not acknowledge the femininity of its members, and defined them only in terms of their sexual need for men. It also helped remove the stigma around receptive anal sex, by bringing all kinds of sexual interest under the stigma, and making it much wider. So, now the burden was equally shared, at least formally, by those who penetrated and those who did not indulge in anal sex at all. Any kind of sexual or emotional or romantic interest in men now became 'gay' or indirectly became 'feminine' or 'third sex'.

Because, these meterosexual 'gays' have a strong femininity in them, and because the society also acknowlegdes 'sexual interest between men' as feminine, the gays strongly feel that liking men and femininity are synonymous. And, they fuel the stereotypes.

While, all through the middle ages, and in contemporary non-westernised societies, manhood is still dependant on reproduction, and if you have a baby, you're straight... actually, you don't even need to actually have a baby, if you can prove that you are physically capable of having a child, you're straight. The Western societies have renamed 'manhood' as 'straight', and defined it in terms of exclusive sexual interest in women, which is not only illogical, its anti-man, anti-nature and without any precedence in history. Third sex, too was renamed as 'gay' and redefined in terms of a male sexual interest in men.

The third sex space for long has been a place for males who have been debarred from manhood, and 'gay' is the modern West's version of that space. That is why men are so scared of it.

So, straight men are continually pitted against their own nature, to love men... and to develop or pretend a sexual interest in women, so that they are not thrown into the third sex 'gay' group. And the society makes this pressure really strong. Most gays do not understand the straight male fear or phobia against 'gays'... They think its because of the religious or social stigma... well, its not... its a very personal thing... and this has to do with the 'third sex' angle, the politics of misdefining manhood and third sex.

So, straight men still indulge in sex with men ... but those who really do and talk about it, even secretly, are a miniscule. The majority of straight men never get down to actually doing it. But, their continuous struggle with a deep rooted sexual need for men, that they don't allow to grow and keep cutting off psychologically, manifests itself indirectly, in small spaces that they can still find to give vent to some of that need -- e.g. in hazing practices or in jokingly stripping each other... or doing masti (sexual fun) with each other. In India, before its extreme heterosexualisation recently, it was accepted as an integral part of manhood for men to like doing masti with other men. But now, men don't acknowledge that because of fear of being labelled gay.

In fact, I'm observing two college friends of mine closely who are straight and who are trying their best to fit into the new heterosexual roles by forcing themselves to be with girls and to cut off themselves from guys sexually and emotionally. Its a pressure we did not have to feel about seven years ago.

I am observing them closely, and seeing how they don't have much interest in women, and how uncomfortable they feel in the company of girls, yet they make all kinds of webs in order to have a straight image (there's no concept of straight as yet... but all they want is to avoid being 'gay'), and that they'd really like to be involved with a man.

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